Tackling Acne: The Skintifix Way

Acne is more than just a skin issue; it's a complex, multifaceted, a real confidence crusher, and for many, a never-ending battle. But at Skintifix, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to fight this battle alone. Here’s what you need to know and pssst.. spoiler alert: we will tell you how we can help.

Acne is like that uninvited guest who always shows up at the worst possible time. Whether you're a teenager dealing with hormonal changes or an adult facing breakouts due to stress or diet, acne doesn’t discriminate. It is a complex, multifaceted condition that involves various factors, including the texture, colour, and secretion of sebum (oil). Acne can manifest as oily acne with inflamed pimples or dry acne with flaky, irritated skin. 

So, why does acne occur? The answer to this will be different for everyone; sometimes, it has more than one answer. Yep, we weren’t kidding when we said it’s a multifaceted beast! Acne is not just a skin-deep issue; it’s a complex condition that involves a series of events and reactions within your body and skin. These include:


  • Hormonal Havoc: Hormones are the main drivers of acne. During your teenage years, puberty causes a surge in hormones, especially androgens like testosterone. These hormones stimulate your oil glands to produce more sebum. This excess oil can clog your pores, leading to the formation of acne. However, hormonal changes don’t just stop in your teens. Stress, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, cortisol imbalances, and even certain medications can cause fluctuations in hormone levels, triggering breakouts at any age.

  • Blocked Pores: Your pores can become clogged with dead skin cells, oil, and debris. The blocked pores create an environment where bacteria can thrive, leading to inflammation and acne. The improper shedding of skin cells often exacerbates this. Normally, your skin cells renew and shed in a healthy cycle, but in acne-prone skin, this process is disrupted, causing a buildup of dead skin cells that block the pores.

  • Bacterial Overload: Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes) is a normal resident of your skin, but when it multiplies excessively, it becomes a troublemaker. The low-oxygen environment is perfect for C. acnes to thrive in a clogged pore. The bacteria feed on the sebum and release substances that attract immune cells, leading to inflammation, redness, and pus—hello, pimples!

  • Inflammation: Inflammation is your body’s response to infection or injury. When bacteria invade a clogged pore, your body sends white blood cells to the rescue, resulting in an inflammatory response. This causes redness, swelling, and pain. The inflammatory process can also damage surrounding skin tissue, leading to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation or acne scars.

  • Lifestyle Factors: Diet, stress, sleep, and hygiene significantly affect acne development. High-glycaemic foods, some dairy, and certain dietary fats can trigger hormonal changes that worsen acne. Stress increases cortisol levels, which can boost oil production. Lack of sleep impairs skin regeneration, and poor hygiene can introduce more bacteria to your skin.


  • Poor Gut Health: The state of your gut health can significantly impact your skin. Poor gut health can lead to chronic inflammation, manifesting as acne. An imbalanced gut microbiome can disrupt the balance of bacteria on your skin, leading to breakouts.

  • Lack of Omegas: Omega-3 fatty acids are known for their anti-inflammatory properties, which we’re incredibly passionate about here at Skintifix. Regular consumption of omega-3s has been linked to a reduced risk of developing acne, but unfortunately, many people do not get enough omega-3s in their diets. As our body does not produce them naturally, we must invest in a high-quality supplement to support skin clearing and overall wellbeing from within.

  • Environmental Influences: Pollution, humidity, UV exposure and exposure to certain chemicals can clog pores and irritate the skin. For instance, living in a polluted city exposes your skin to particles that can settle on your skin and block pores. Similarly, high humidity levels can make your skin oilier, exacerbating acne.


By understanding these underlying causes, we can take a comprehensive approach to treating acne. For us, it’s not just about targeting the symptoms but addressing the root causes to achieve clearer, healthier skin.

At Skintifix, we believe in treating acne from the inside out, focusing on barrier repair, reducing inflammation, and clearing up congestion. Let’s dive into how we do it differently. 

First up, let’s get one thing clear (and we’re not just talking about your skin). Here at Skintifix, we’re not about band-aid solutions. Too often, the advice floating around the internet is far too simplistic (and downright eye-roll-inducing) for such a complex condition.

You know the ones we’re talking about: “Use tea tree oil!”, “Quit all gluten and dairy!”, “My sister swears by toothpaste”, and the dreaded, “Hey, boss babe, send me a DM for my flawless skin routine”. Ugh.

The biggest problem with these “solutions” is that they might only address a single part of a multifaceted problem or, worse, create new issues. At Skintifix, we take the time to explain the process of truly clearing acne. We show you that, in order to heal acne, we must treat the root causes to achieve real results.

We take a barrier repair first approach where instead of peeling, abrading, or lasering your skin and making it more sensitive, we prioritise repairing your skin’s natural barrier. Imagine your skin as a fortress. The outermost layer, or barrier, is your first line of defence against the external world. When this barrier is compromised, it’s like having a castle wall full of holes - inviting in all kinds of unwanted guests like bacteria, irritants, and allergens. We prioritise strengthening this barrier to ensure your skin can defend itself effectively. By reinforcing your skin’s natural defences, we create an environment where healing can truly begin, reducing sensitivity and preventing future breakouts.

As hard as it can be to hear sometimes (because we get it, acne is SO much more than skin deep), we don’t promise overnight results. Lifelong skin health means it can be a bumpy (literally) road at times, but we’re experts and know how to help you through that phase. Think of it like a fitness journey. You wouldn’t expect to achieve a six-pack after one workout, would you? The same goes for your skin. Real transformation requires time, patience, and consistent care. There might be moments where your skin purges or seems to get worse before it gets better - that’s perfectly normal. We’re here to guide you through these phases with expert advice and support, ensuring that every step you take leads you closer to lifelong, healthy skin.

Lastly, at Skintifix, we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach but in personalised care. That’s why you don’t see a treatment menu with dozens of offerings. We ditch the cookie-cutter approach to the skin and treat it as the unique, beautiful thing it is. This is where our consultations come into the picture.

The cornerstone of clearer, happier skin is a thorough consultation, and we don’t mean to brag (okay, we do), but we’re pretty bloody good at them. We go beyond the usual routine of selling you a bunch of skincare products and recommending a slew of treatments. Instead, we delve deep to understand your skin’s unique story and guide you to achieving results both in and out of the clinic.

For us, it’s all about understanding your skin first before anything else. We take the time to really get to know you and your skin. This personalised approach ensures that we can create a skin-clearing program tailored specifically to your skin.

After identifying the underlying causes of your acne, we craft a bespoke program designed just for you. Our goal is to leave you feeling confident, empowered with knowledge, and secure, knowing that you’re in the very best of hands.

Your journey doesn’t stop at the consultation. It’s just the beginning. From here, you’ll likely experience one of our bespoke facials as part of your treatment plan. Each facial is uniquely curated for you, ensuring that every visit addresses exactly what your skin needs at that moment.

We believe no two facials should be the same because your skin constantly changes. To simplify the process, we’ve designed four foundational facials. This structure allows you to choose how much you want to invest in both time and money, giving your skin therapist the flexibility to create a unique facial tailored to your needs every visit.

Our facials include a customised double cleanse, enzyme exfoliation, extractions if necessary, a bespoke serum infusion, a relaxing massage, and a tailor-made mask. We begin with a brief discussion to track your skin’s progress, ensuring each treatment is as effective and personalised as possible.

We hope this blog has helped you understand the complexities of acne and how we at Skintifix approach treatment differently. If you’re ready to take control of your acne and embark on a journey to clearer, healthier skin, book an Advanced Skin Consultation with us today.


At Skintifix, it’s skin first, skincare second. Let’s get started on your journey to clearer days ahead.